This Keystone Pipeline Video by House Democrat Raul Grijalva is Painfully Awkward
See for yourself:
Let’s break it down to just the most important moments.
First, Congressman Grijalva has Able Assistant do some head bobbing:
These guys were pretty impressed:
Grijalva drops some serious science on us here. Watch carefully as he demonstrates that rocks don’t float:
These guys were in awe by the news:
Anyway. Then Able Assistant gets in a quick workout:
Grijalva then points out the “Dear Chamber of Commerce” (which they’ve inexplicably labeled as “BIG OIL”) thinks Keystone will create 250,000 jobs:
Grijalva disputes just how many jobs he is trying to kill by opposing Keystone. His friend “BIG GENIUS” says he’ll only kill 2,500 jobs:
And then this happened:
Able Assistant has to stand back.
It made us uncomfortable:
After giving us a chance to regain our breath, Able Assistant points out that the rocks still aren’t floating:
Finally, Able Assistant asks for a tip:
He’s earned it!
Our review? This painfully awkward science experiment sunk like a rock. The Mad Scientists over at the Progressive Caucus opposing the popular Keystone project and the thousands of jobs it will bring might as well look like this:
Better luck next time, Congressman Grijalva.