Democratic Voters Walking Away From ObamaCare
We already know that ObamaCare is extremely unpopular – but a new poll out today shows that, now, moderate and conservative Democrats are beginning to walk away from Obama’s signature achievement as well.
From the Houston Chronicle:
“Just after its 2010 passage, almost 74 percent of self-identified moderate and conservative Democrats supported the federal law that is changing the health care system. Less than 50 percent expressed support in the new poll…
The shift among the Democratic party’s large group in the ideological middle — most Democrats in the recent poll, 57 percent, identify as moderate or conservative — is driving an overall drop in party support for the law. Fewer than 60 percent of Democrats now support the law, down from 68 percent last year and the lowest since the law was enacted.”
We know that President Obama and his health law aren’t going to be the campaign winner Democrats thought they would be in 2014. How many House Democrats are going to start pretending they’ve opposed ObamaCare all along?
We won’t let them get away with it. Actions speak louder than words: while House Republicans have fought to repeal this disastrous law, House Democrats have voted time and time again to protect and preserve ObamaCare. The voters have been paying attention.