Experienced Political Hack Erin Bilbray Makes Rookie Mistake

September 23, 2013

In case you missed it, As just reported by Jon Ralston, Erin Bilbray fumbled badly on the rollout of her campaign website. Despite being a veteran political hack, Bilbray and her team made an embarrassing rookie mistake today. On the “issues” page, Bilbray dedicates a section to her position on guns, but apparently hadn’t seen enough poll numbers yet to really decide where she falls on the issue.

From Bilbray’s website:


We need leaders who will stand up for their convictions and what they believe is right.

“Erin Bilbray has just proven that she is unfit for office. As a Congresswoman, she would be responsible for crucial decisions about budgets, taxes, national security and countless other important issues that impact people’s lives. Our country faces serious challenges, and it requires serious decision-makers in Congress. Nevadans don’t need a poll-driven politician who will do or say anything to get elected. Washington’s got enough of those folks already.” – Alleigh Marré, NRCC Spokeswoman