A Panel of Cyber Security Experts Just Rang the Alarm Bell on ObamaCare. The White House Isn’t Paying Any Attention
Since the launch of HealthCare.gov, security experts from across the spectrum have warned that the ObamaCare site is weakly defended against hackers and other cyber security leaks that might jeopardize users personal information.
Even after all of the warnings and alerts from experts, though, the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services have still refused to adequately address those concerns, despite having had nearly four months to fix them.
The GOP House last week passed legislation that would require the Obama Administration to notify users if any of their personal ObamaCare information has been compromised or breached online. The White House threatened to veto, but it passed with a bipartisan overwhelming majority.
It’s beyond disappointing to see the White House continuously fail to take the security of Americans personal informations seriously, and another sign of just how far off President Obama is from the ObamaCare reality.
From Reuters:
A group of cyber security professionals is warning that the U.S. government has failed to implement fixes to protect the HealthCare.gov website from hackers, some three months after experts first pointed out the problem.
David Kennedy, head of computer security consulting firm TrustedSec LLC, told Reuters that the government has yet to plug more than 20 vulnerabilities that he and other security experts reported to the government shortly after HealthCare.gov went live on October 1.
Hackers could steal personal information, modify data or attack the personal computers of the website’s users, he said. They could also damage the infrastructure of the site, according to Kennedy, who is scheduled to describe his security concerns in testimony on Thursday before the House Science, Space and Technology Committee.
“These issues are alarming,” Kennedy said in an interview on Wednesday.