The Chamber of Commerce Just Shredded The EPA In Its Response To the EPA’s Response 

May 29, 2014

The Chamber of Commerce released a report yesterday that highlighted the costly economic consequences of President Obama’s latest plan to wage a War on Coal, such as hundreds of thousands of lost jobs, billions in economic costs, and skyrocketing prices for electricity.

Obama’s EPA felt anxious enough to write an official response on their blog, calling their report “irresponsible speculation” and charging it was based on “unfounded assumptions.”

At 6 pm yesterday, the Chamber of Commerce responded to the EPA’s response, fact-checking the EPA line by line.

In their response, the Chamber takes down the EPA’s insistence that they “gathered an unprecedented amount of input and advice” by pointing out that these “listening sessions” completely avoided the ten states that would be most hurt by the EPA’s coal regulations. They also trump the EPA’s argument that their plan doesn’t require CCS technology by reminding them of Energy Secretary Moniz’ own statement that the EPA’s target emissions targets would require the expensive new technology to meet.

Read the whole response here. While Obama’s White House would like to pretend that their latest battle plan in the War on Coal is not a big deal, in reality, millions of Americans will be broadsided with higher electrical costs, lost lobs, and lost income.