This Lying Democrat Sold Out By Pelosi – After He Sold His Soul to Her

April 18, 2014


In case you missed it, Politico reported today that Democrat polls show that Nick Rahall is so far behind his Republican opponent Evan Jenkins that the national Democratic Party and its allies are jumping ship on the Rahall campaign.

How embarrassing this must be for Rahall, especially after gleefully admitting that he sold his soul to Nancy Pelosi in exchange for her campaign cash.

But Rahall really did get what he deserved. Rahall sold out West Virginia by voting for a carbon tax and supporting cap-and-trade, as well as consistently going along with President Obama’s agenda and then flat out lying about it. Now Rahall is getting sold out by the very same people that so easily bought his loyalty with nothing more than fool’s gold.

Maybe Rahall can save himself from an embarrassing double digit defeat in November by begging his friend Obama for a nice administration job!

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall has spent the last 6 years supporting the Barack Obama agenda and he even went so far as to vote for a carbon tax that would end West Virginia’s economy as we know it. Unfortunately, Obama and Nancy Pelosi are now selling out Rahall just as quickly as he sold out West Virginia. Now Rahall has nothing to show for his treachery but a ruined reputation and pot of fool’s gold to run a sinking campaign.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior