Last Coal State House Democrat called Obama “Pro-Coal”
Nick Rahall has officially jumped the shark. The other day he gives up 34% of the vote to his primary opponent Richard Ojeda, despite the fact that Ojeda spent $7,000 to Rahall’s $275,000 (plus all that anti-coal billionaire House Majority PAC money supporting Rahall.)
Then Rahall went on the radio and defended his support of Barack Obama because Rahall thought Obama was “pro-coal.”
Keep in mind that Obama was very much on the record as being anti-coal well before Rahall supported him. Take a look at the video below.
And if Rahall campaigned for Obama in 2008 because he thought he was pro-coal, what was his explanation for supporting him in 2012?
And did Rahall think that the cap-and-trade plans that he supported were pro-coal? What about the carbon tax that he voted for, was that pro-coal too?
NRCC Comment: “Once again Nick Rahall is trying to lie his way out of his own record, this time by claiming that he supported President Obama in 2008 because he Obama was ‘pro-coal.’ Not only is this claim completely ridiculous, but it does nothing to explain Rahall’s support of Obama in 2012 as well as Rahall’s multiple votes for cap-and-trade and for the coal killing carbon tax.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior