NRCC Statement on OR-05 Primary Election

May 22, 2024

WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) released the following statement on Oregon’s 5th Congressional district primary election results:

“Oregonians are united to re-elect Representative Lori Chavez-DeRemer, who has earned her reputation as one of the most bipartisan Members of Congress. Just like as Mayor, Representative Chavez-DeRemer gets things done for Oregon, like writing the bill to ban tolling and delivering bipartisan solutions to the fentanyl crisis and veteran homelessness.

“D.C. Democrats failed to vet Janelle ‘Prison Break’ Bynum, the most extreme candidate in this primary, and will now suffer the consequences when Oregonians reject this enemy of public safety. In Salem, Prison Break Bynum built an extensive record as an extremist hellbent on emptying prisons, decriminalizing fentanyl and unleashing criminals.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen


  • Janelle ‘Prison Break’ Bynum made a career coddling criminals at the expense of law-abiding citizens.
    • Prison Break Bynum introduced a reckless bill on behalf of radical defund-the-police and prison abolition extremists that would have gutted voted-approved mandatory minimum sentences for criminals, blocked police from making arrests in many cases and funneled millions of taxpayer dollars to a “Reimagine Safety” slush fund run by the same activists demanding to defund the police.
    • Prison Break Bynum called to release 2,000 more convicted inmates from prison in 2020.
    • Prison Break Bynum endorsed Oregon’s Measure 110 drug decriminalization disaster that turned the state into a haven for hard drugs like fentanyl and heroin and exacerbated the homelessness and crime crisis.
  • D.C. Democrats burned over $2.6 million to drag Prison Break Bynum through their party’s bloody primary only for her to limp out of it broke with the Democrat base divided and angry at their meddling.
  • Representative Chavez-DeRemer is a prolific fundraiser who begins the general election with a $1.9 million cash on hand head start as of the end of Q1.