ICYMI: D’Esposito surge 7 points ahead

June 14, 2024

In a recent internal poll, Rep. Anthony D’Esposito is up 7 points ahead in traditionally blue NY-04. 

D’Esposito is at 45% against Laura Gillen’s 38% per a poll conducted late last month. 

The poll also has D’Esposito winning Independent voters and gaining a plurality of Hispanic voters. 

In case you missed it… 

Trump, NY Rep. Anthony D’Esposito surge 7 points ahead in traditional Dem stronghold: internal poll

NY Post

Josh Christenson 


Donald Trump and Long Island GOP Rep. Anthony D’Esposito are 7 percentage points ahead of their foes in New York’s Fourth Congressional District — a traditional Dem stronghold, a new internal poll shows.

A McLaughlin & Associates survey conducted last month and paid for by D’Esposito’s campaign shows the former NYPD detective leading challenger and ex-Hempstead, LI, Town Supervisor Laura Gillen, 45% to 38%, and ex-President Trump beating President Biden, 51% to 44%, in the Nassau County district.


D’Esposito beat Gillen and flipped the district in 2022 after more than 20 years of Democratic control — one of several race results that yielded a narrow Republican majority in the House.

Now he and other freshman New York Republican Reps. Nick LaLota, Nick Langworthy, Mike Lawler, Marc Molinaro and Brandon Williams are looking to expand that majority in 2024.


McLaughlin & Associates conducted the poll from May 21 to 23 and surveyed through landline, cell phone and text messages 400 likely general election voters in New York’s Fourth District.


Read more here.