Cotter Smasal takes anti-veteran stand

June 24, 2024

Just days after Hampton Roads veterans’ cries for help were ignored, Missy Cotter Smasal aligned herself with the exact people who are ignoring the veterans.

Recent changes to the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program are negatively impacting the mental health of local veterans. Local Virginia Democrats have delayed critical legislative action needed to fix the VMSDEP, which many veteran and military families in VA-02 rely on.

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Jen Kiggans has introduced and passed legislation to address veteran mental health. 

“The contrast is clear: Missy Cotter Smasal is against helping veterans and Congresswoman Jen Kiggans is dedicated to helping veterans. This November, Virginians will not forget that Smasal supports those who ignore helping veterans.” — NRCC Spokeswoman Delanie Bomar