Cartwright is paralyzed after Biden’s debate

June 28, 2024

Last night’s debate revealed a lot about Joe Biden’s fitness to be President. Perhaps even more revealing is Matt Cartwright’s embarrassing allegiance to Joe Biden and attempt to downplay the dismal performance.

Today, Cartwright claimed: “I think he had a bad night. I don’t think we need to overreact to that” and stated he doesn’t think it will affect his own race.

Let’s not forget that Matt Cartwright votes with Joe Biden 100% of the time and was “so proud to endorse” Biden early in his campaign.

“After last night’s dismal performance, Matt Cartwright needs to answer whether or not he thinks Joe Biden is up for the job. Cartwright wants Pennsylvanians to not believe their lying eyes – does he still think Joe Biden is fit to serve as President or has he changed his mind?” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella