Kaptur runs away from Biden… literally

June 28, 2024

Last night’s debate revealed a lot about Joe Biden’s fitness to be President. Perhaps even more revealing is Marcy Kaptur’s embarrassing allegiance to Joe Biden and trying to run away from answering for last night’s performance.

Today on Capitol Hill, Marcy Kaptur literally sprinted away from reporters asking about last night’s debate.

POLITICO“Some vulnerable incumbents, like Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), literally sprinted to the House chamber to avoid reporters.”

And new video footage shows Kaptur REFUSING to answer whether Biden is mentally fit to be President.

Let’s not forget that Marcy Kaptur was “thrilled” to welcome Joe Biden to Toledo. Why is she now running away from him? Would Kaptur still welcome Biden to campaign with her?

“After last night’s dismal performance, Marcy Kaptur needs to answer whether or not she thinks Joe Biden is up for the job. Kaptur wants Ohioans to not believe their lying eyes – does she still think Joe Biden is fit to serve as President or has she changed her mind?” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella