They knew it & tried to hide it.

June 28, 2024

First it was the Hur report. Then it was the WSJ’s bombshell report about Biden’s mental acuity.

Extreme House Democrats knew for months Joe Biden’s wasn’t fit to lead the country. Yet they still mislead the American people until Joe Biden melted down on the debate stage:

  • Susan Wild (PA-07): “I am hoping to see President Biden look strong and competent, which I believe he is… and to put to rest these rumors of him somehow being unfit.” (comment from this week)
  • Mary Peltola (AK-AL): “Biden’s mental acuity is very, very on. He’s one of the smartest, sharpest people I’ve met in D.C.”
  • Hillary Scholten (MI-03): “All right, the oldest President ever elected!  All right, well, people tend not to believe what they’ve never seen.”
  • Vicente Gonzalez (TX-34): “[Biden] He’s healthy, he’s sharp, he’s a full package.”
  • Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03): “That lack of diversity is what I think is at the heart of a lot of this frustration.” 😂😂😂
  • Susan Wild (PA-07): “He’s very sharp, no memory issues, and his only stumbling is when he trips over words.”
  • Steven Horsford (NV-04): “The president is very well suited to be our commander-in-chief.”
  • Ro Khanna (CA-17): “I think he’s actually really good. I think his staff overprotects him. I think, put him out there in a press conference. Who cares if someone makes a gaffe?”
  • Dan Goldman (NY-10): Biden is actually “sharper than anyone I I’ve spoken to.”
  • Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37): “Everybody knows the president’s age, but when I’ve talked to him, he is incredibly lucid.”

NRCC National Press Secretary Will Reinert said: “Extreme House Democrats told Americans not to believe their lying eyes about Joe Biden’s mental acuity and allowed him to wreck the country with the border, crime and inflation crises. It’s clear President Biden doesn’t have the brainpower left to turn the country around, and it’s time for Democrat politicians to apologize to voters for putting political party allegiances over the good of the country.”