NRCC Launches New TV Ad in NE-02

September 17, 2024

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today launched a new TV ad in NE-02.

The TV ad highlights extreme Democrat Tony Vargas’ record of voting to let dangerous criminals off the hook, directly putting Nebraska families in danger.

This spending comes as part of the NRCC’s previously announced advertising reservation, which included a significant investment in NE-02.

Watch “Criminals’ Favorite Politician” HERE:


“He’s criminals’ favorite politician: Extreme liberal Tony Vargas.”

“With Omaha crime skyrocketing, Tony Vargas voted to allow violent criminals to be released into our communities years before their sentence was over.”

“Vargas even supported the bill to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for criminals convicted of gun crimes, assaults on police, even child pornography manufacturers.”

“That’s recklessly dangerous.”

“That’s criminals’ favorite politician: Tony Vargas.”