NRCC Statement on Kamala Harris Border Visit Stunt

September 27, 2024

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) today released the following statement on Kamala Harris’ border visit stunt today:

“Kamala Harris visiting the border today is akin to an arsonist returning to the scene of the crime to admire her handiwork. Her number one enabler, extreme liberal Kirsten Engel, shares the blame for this disaster after repeatedly denying there is a border crisis, votingagainst border security and cozying up to radicals who want to abolish ICE and Border Patrol.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen


Failed border czar Kamala Harris and Kirsten Engel are two peas in a pod whose radical open borders policies fueled the worst border crisis on record. Just listen to them:

On decriminalizing illegal immigration

On whether there is a border crisis

On whether the border is secure

On opposing the border wall

On granting mass amnesty to illegal immigrants