Dave Loebsack, Ineffective

January 1, 2009

Wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this Des Moines Register article that underscores why he was ranked the “LEAST EFFECTIVE” member of the Iowa delegation right behind Democrat Leonard Boswell.

Check out some key lines…

“Dave Loebsack doesn’t rank as high on the effectiveness chart as his six Iowa colleagues in Congress…”

“Some D.C. reporters said they had to look up Loebsack to remember who he is.”

House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer Makes Excuses for Loebsack Who Was Elected 6 Years Ago: “Loebsack’s newer, so he’s still getting his feet on the ground.”

“A mild manner keeps him in background…”

NRCC COMMENT: “You know your time is up when even one of the leaders of your party has to make excuses for your lackluster career. Iowans deserve an effective voice in Congress, not another wallflower politician like Dave Loebsack.” NRCC Spokeswoman Andrea Bozek