GOP starts calls against Abercrombie stimulus vote

February 20, 2009

The National Republican Congressional Committee on Friday commenced computerized telephone calls to residents of Rep. Neil Abercrombie’s district, criticizing him for supporting President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus bill.

The recorded “robocalls” mention the Hawaii Democrat’s vote for “nearly a trillion dollars in wasteful spending” but do not say that it is referring to the stimulus legislation.

“That’s right, $1 trillion of your money and more than 30 entirely new government programs,” according to the calls. They then urge listeners to call Abercrombie’s office to complain.

Paul Lindsay, a spokesman for the committee, said the calls were launched because Honolulu City Councilman Charles Djou’s 2010 campaign for Abercrombie’s seat has shown “early signs of success.”…

… The congressman also challenged Djou, if he opposes the bill, to tell Hawaii residents and businesses to refuse the stimulus revenue that will flow into the state.

“I wonder whether he’ll go down to the unemployment line and … demand the $25 back that they are going to be getting this week to put food on the table,” Abercrombie said, referring to the increase in unemployment benefits that the bill is financing.

Djou, a Republican, said he agreed that Obama and Congress needed to enact significant legislation to deal with the economy. But it should have contained less spending and more tax cuts, he said.

“I do share the concern here that it seems to be a heck of a lot of government spending … that we can’t afford,” he said in an interview.

But now that the bill is law, “what’s done is done,” Djou added. “Let’s try to find a way to make things happen for the benefit of all the people of Hawaii.”

As for the robocalls, the councilman said he was unaware of them before reporters brought up the issue.
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