Romney's PAC cut checks for DCCC targets

February 24, 2009

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is helping out nearly a dozen Republicans targeted by national Democrats for their votes against the economic stimulus package, inserting himself back into the debate over the nation’s economic health.

Romney’s Free and Strong America political action committee will donate $1,000 checks to the campaign coffers of 11 Republican members of Congress singled out for attack by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee…

… The calls are aimed at GOP Reps. Ken Calvert (Calif.), Jim Gerlach (Pa.), Charlie Dent (Pa.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Blaine Luetkemeyer (Mo.) and Dave Reichert (Wash.), all of whom faced uncomfortably close races in 2008 and could be targeted again in 2010.

Also on the target list are Republican Reps. Judy Biggert (Ill.), Mike Castle (Del.), Dan Lungren (Calif.), Thaddeus McCotter (Mich.) and Adam Putnam (Fla.), as well as National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Pete Sessions (Texas).

Romney’s PAC cut each of the members’ campaigns a check save Putnam, who is not running for reelection in 2010.

It is the third round of pressure aimed at Republicans over the stimulus package. Earlier this month, the DCCC launched radio ads in more than two dozen GOP districts, followed by a round of automated calls slamming seven Republican freshmen for their votes against the bill.

“We are committed to helping these courageous Republicans defend their position and fend off political attacks,” Romney said in a statement in which he dubbed the group the “Undaunted Dozen.”

Ken Spain, communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, got in his own shot at Democrats.

“This is their most effective stimulus strategy to date,” Spain said. “So far House Democrats have effectively stimulated a mouse in San Francisco Bay and the campaign coffers of 11 Republican members of Congress.”
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