Ads flying in New York special election

March 5, 2009

The ads are flying in the special election for Kirsten Gillibrand’s old House seat.

The National Republican Congressional Committee went up with its first television advertisement in the campaign this week, blasting Democrat Scott Murphy for approving bonuses at an Internet company whose board he served on.

“Scott Murphy approved hundreds of thousands in bonuses for executives of a company losing money,” the ad says. “Scott Murphy: he just doesn’t get it.”

The Murphy campaign disputes the charges, arguing the company grew during his time on the board and that the bonuses were strictly related to performance targets….

… ALSO: Scott Murphy went up with a new ad  where he personally responds to attacks from Republican James Tedisco.

Interestingly, Murphy acknowledges in the ad that he founded a company that creates jobs in India – one of Tedisco’s attacks against him – but says that it “doesn’t compete with American companies… in fact, I’m investing the profits here to create jobs in upstate New York.”

“Jim, what’s wrong with that?” Murphy concludes.
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