Waters' Use of Funds Faces Scrutiny

March 19, 2009

Rep Maxine Waters’ (D-Calif.) re-election campaign lent $25,000 last August to a non-profit run by her daughter, according to campaign finance records. The funds were used to underwrite the costs of events at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, according to a source.

Waters herself serves on the board of the non-profit group, African-American Committee 2000 and Beyond, the California Democrat’s financial disclosure filings show.

The organization’s stated goal is “to promote the African American community in Los Angeles,” including by “developing and distributing literature on voting rights within the Los Angeles African American community.” Campaign-finance experts said the interest-free loan, which comes due this August, is legal, as long as Waters did not benefit personally from it.

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(John Bresnahan, “Waters’ Use of Funds Faces Scrutiny,” Politico, 3/19/09)