National GOP courts Leiken for Congress

April 24, 2009

Republicans in Washington, D.C., say they’ve found the man they think could take down veteran Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio in 2010 — Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken.

The recruitment chairman for the National Republican Congressional Committee will be in town today to try to convince the longtime mayor to take up the challenge.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., will spend several hours with Leiken, touring the area and wooing him for a run at DeFazio’s 4th Congressional District seat.

NRCC spokeswoman Joanna Burgos acknowledged that the 4th District has long swayed Democratic. DeFazio has held the seat since 1986.

“We believe when you have the right candidate, like Sid Leiken, it really creates the opportunity to win seats and take seats back,” Burgos said.

Leiken, for his part, isn’t yet sold on going for the title of congressman.

“I guess the big question is: Will Peter DeFazio be the opposition?” he asked. “We don’t know. He’s made it clear he’s looking at other options as well.”

Rumors swirl that DeFazio may be considering a run for governor next year; he flirted with such a run in 2002 before deciding to stick with Congress.

This time, he’s neither ruled out nor acknowledged interest in running for governor. DeFazio did not return a call for comment Thursday…

No matter what DeFazio does, Burgos said Republicans will be taking aim at the 4th District. One of the committee’s goals this year is to put up serious campaigns in difficult territory, she said.

“Even if (DeFazio) runs for re-election, we will continue our efforts,” Burgos said…

Leiken, 47, has served as mayor of Springfield since 2000 and has long pondered running for higher office.

“I find it to be very intriguing,” said Leiken, who served as local spokseman for presidential candidate John Mc­Cain’s campaign last year. “Really, I think first and foremost I love serving as mayor of the city.”

“(But) if there’s a way that I personally can step up and help make a difference, then sure, I’d be more than happy to look at other opportunities,” he said.

The national Republicans appreciate Leiken’s “fiscal responsibility, pro-growth policies and what he’s done for business development,” making him the “kind of local leader we’ve been looking for,” Burgos said.

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