Activists, Bloggers rip DCCC, DSCC

April 28, 2009

Calling the DCCC and DSCC “hypocritical”, activists and bloggers slammed both organizations for refusing PAC and lobbyist money only at times when President Obama is actively involved in the event.
From Politico: “A coalition of clean elections advocates and liberal bloggers is blasting the two major Democratic congressional fundraising committees as “hypocritical” for refusing lobbyist and political action committee cash when President Obama helps them raise money, but accepting it the rest of the time. At the White House’s behest, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee last week agreed to forego contributions from lobbyists or political action committees at a June fundraiser in order to land Obama as the keynote speaker. But while Obama required both his presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee to forego lobbyist and PAC cash year-round, the DCCC and DSCC have only agreed to the Obama rules for fundraising efforts involving the president, and will continue accepting the funds the rest of the time. That “isn’t just hypocritical – it defies common sense that you’d think the public would believe this was a principled stand against special-interest influence,” reads a letter to the party campaign committees from Change Congress, a coalition of nonprofit groups founded by Democratic operative Joe Trippi and Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig, an online activist. …”