GOP Mockingly Gives Obama 'A's' in Report Card

April 28, 2009

WASHINGTON (CNN)— House Republicans give President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi some high marks in its 100 day “report card” that assesses the new administration — mockingly, of course.

The National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm for the House GOP, issued a report card Tuesday claiming that the president and congressional Democrats have failed on “Taxes; Ending the Bailout Curve; and Culture of Corruption.” Republicans also chastised Democrats by giving them “A’s” for “Soaring Rhetoric” and the “Mounting National Debt” in its assessment released on Day 99 of the Obama presidency.

“The President has yet to prove he is capable of passing the Pelosi test,” the NRCC writes in the “Teachers Comments” section of the faux report. “Signing off on reckless spending is not the solution to very problem.”

Click here to seek the NRCC’s “Report Card”:


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