House Freshman Class Gives Leaders an Earful on Ethics

June 1, 2009

Swept into office partly on promises to end a “culture of corruption,” many potentially vulnerable Democratic newcomers are pressing House leaders to confront allegations of unethical conduct within their own party.

“To me it’s a no-brainer that if you get someone earmarks, they can’t contribute to your campaign,” said Rep. Jim Himes , a freshman Democrat from Connecticut.

Discontent over ethics has been underscored in votes on Republican-sponsored privileged resolutions calling on the House ethics committee to probe the ties between the defunct lobbying firm PMA and powerful Democrats including John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania, chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

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(Bennett Roth, “House Freshman Class Gives Leaders an Earful on Ethics,” CQ Today, 6/01/09)