Visclosky Gives Up Management of Appropriations Bill for 2010

June 2, 2009

Four days after U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky, D-1st, told the press that the Department of Justice has subpoenaed documents from his campaign committees and congressional office related to The PMA Group, a now defunct Washington, D.C., lobbying firm, he has announced that he has asked a colleague on the Energy and Water Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee to assume responsibility for managing the Fiscal Year 2010 Energy and Water appropriations bill.

Visclosky told the Chesterton Tribune today that he is retaining his chairmanship of the sub committee and will continue to participate in all discussions of the appropriations bill, including casting his vote when required, but that he fears the possibility of becoming a lightning rod for “partisan political” attack if he himself were to undertake the chair’s usual role of overseeing and shepherding the construction of the bill.

Read more: (Kevin Nevers, “Visclosky Gives Up Management of Appropriations Bill for 2010,” Chesterton Tribune, 6/02/09)