Visclosky Probe Confronted by Hurdles

June 2, 2009

Federal investigators examining Rep. Peter Visclosky’s (D-Ind.) ties to a now-defunct lobbying firm could face constitutional hurdles if they hope to examine how earmarks were doled out to the firm’s clients.

The Indiana lawmaker acknowledged Friday that federal investigators issued subpoenas last week for his Congressional offices in Washington, D.C., and Merrillville, Ind., in addition to subpoenas issued in early May to his campaign committee and his leadership political action committee, Calumet PAC, as part of an ongoing grand jury probe into a former lobbying firm, PMA Group.

Although several aides were subpoenaed, Visclosky told the Chesterton Tribune he had not been contacted by the Justice Department.

Read more: (Jennifer Yachnin, “Hurdles Confront Visclosky Probe,” Roll Call, 6/02/09)