Hoyer Resolution Blocks GOP Bid to Score Points on PMA Probe

June 4, 2009

House Democrats on Wednesday tried to neutralize a months-long Republican attack on senior Democratic appropriators’ ties to the now-defunct lobbying firm PMA Group by calling on the ethics committee to disclose whether it is investigating the matter.

The Democrats’ resolution, offered by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Md.) with the backing of leadership, would give the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct 45 days to report on whether it is probing PMA’s dealings with the lawmakers. Lawmakers voted 270-134 to send the measure to the ethics committee, with 28 Republicans crossing the aisle to support it.

Read more: (Billy House and Erin McPike, “Democrats Block GOP Bid to Score Points on PMA Probe,” CongressDaily AM, 6/04/09)