Pelosi's Pork Problem: The PMA Scandal Could Make Abramoff Look Like a Piker

June 5, 2009

Picture a freight train roaring down the tracks. Picture House Speaker Nancy Pelosi positioning her party on the rails. Picture a growing stream of nervous souls diving for the weeds. Picture all this, and you’ve got a sense of the Democrats’ earmark-corruption problem.

This particular choo-choo has the name John Murtha emblazoned on the side, and with each chug is proving that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Republicans got tossed in 2006 in part for failing to police the earmarks at the center of the Jack Abramoff and other corruption scandals. Mrs. Pelosi is today leaving her members exposed to an earmark mess that might make Abramoff look junior varsity.

Read more: (Kimberley A. Strassel, “Pelosi’s Pork Problem: The PMA Scandal Could Make Abramoff Look Like a Piker,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/05/09)