Visclosky Should Foot His Legal Bill

June 26, 2009

Just so I have this straight, the feds are allowing U.S. Rep. Pete Visclosky to use campaign funds in his legal defense of an FBI investigation into his acceptance of certain large campaign contributions.

Visclosky, D-Ind., has had records and staffers subpoenaed, and the office of his largest campaign contributor was raided by the FBI last fall in an ongoing probe into whether he (and others) may have improperly accepted contributions in exchange for favors to the contributors.

Visclosky maintains he has done nothing wrong, and that is a presumption we should all have of him. This is America, even if you are a congressman, and that’s the way we do things. And he has not been charged with anything, nor has he personally received a subpoena.

Read more: (Mark Kiesling, “Visclosky Should Foot His Legal Bill,” The Times of Northwest Indiana, 6/26/09)