GOP TV Ad Targets Perriello

June 30, 2009

The GOP takes aim at Congressman Tom Perriello for his vote on a controversial energy bill. Starting Thursday, national Republicans will take to the airwaves, hoping to turn voters against the Fifth District Democrat.

The freshman Democrat supported last week’s controversial cap and trade energy bill. The GOP wants to make sure voters remember that. An ad slated to run Thursday in Southside says, “Tom Perriello’s voting with Obama and Nancy Pelosi over and over…Call Perriello. Tell him he was wrong to vote for the Pelosi energy tax.”

The ad is sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee. The group is honing in on vulnerable Democrats nationwide who voted for the energy bill but the only representative targeted on television is Perriello…

Still, political analysts say the vote does come with political risk, especially as Republicans look to take control of Congress.

According to Larry Sabato with the UVA Center for Politics, “Republicans are naturally hoping that they can switch it back in a year when Barack Obama will not be on the ballot.”…
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