House GOP targets freshman Democrat in new ad

July 1, 2009

WASHINGTON (CNN) — House Republicans will target freshman Rep. Tom Perriello in a new television commercial that criticizes the Virginia Democrat for his recent vote in favor of controversial energy reform legislation.

The 30-second ad will begin airing Wednesday in the Lynchburg and Roanoke media markets and marks the first time the House GOP campaign arm, National Republican Congressional Committee, has used President Obama in a commercial in the 2010 election cycle. It is scheduled to run for one week.

The TV ad is part of a public relations campaign by House Republicans to criticize Democrats for supporting the bill, which the GOP says will result in a tax increase and stunt job growth.

Republican Congressional Committee official Ken Spain told CNN that voters in 13 additional congressional districts will hear radio ads or receive telephone calls criticizing their Democratic congressional representatives for voting in favor of the energy legislation.

The bill passed late last week by a slim 219-212 margin, largely along party lines. Forty-four Democrats joined the GOP leadership in voting against it and eight Republicans crossed over to the Democratic side to support it.

Congress is on break for the Fourth of July holiday this week and most lawmakers are back home meeting with constituents and attending town hall gatherings.

The Democrats being targeted by the Republican Congressional Committee include: Ohio Rep. John Boccieri, Virginia Rep. Rick Boucher, Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley, Tennessee Rep. Bart Gordon, Florida Rep. Alan Grayson, Illinois Rep. Debbie Halvorson, Indiana Rep. Baron Hill, Ohio Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, Colorado Rep. Betsy Markey, Missouri Rep. Ike Skelton, Arkansas Rep. Vic Snyder, Ohio Rep. Zack Space and New Mexico Rep. Harry Teague.
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