National GOP targets Kosmas, Grayson

July 1, 2009

WASHINGTON — U.S. House members serve for two years, and the short tenure has bred a Capitol Hill cliché: lawmakers generally start running for re-election on the day they are sworn in — and opponents start running against them.

So it’s no surprise that rookie Democratic lawmakers Suzanne Kosmas of New Smyrna Beach and Alan Grayson of Orlando have been targeted by national Republicans in a series of phone calls — even though there’s still 17 months before voters head to the polls.

The one against Kosmas pings her for a recent House vote that reduced funding for NASA’s exploration by $670 million below the spending plan recommended by the White House. Actually, Kosmas voted against the bill — but the GOP robo-caller declares, “Suzanne Kosmas did not prevent that cut.”

The robo-call that targeted Grayson hits him for voting for Friday’s climate-change bill, which the caller dubs “the Nancy Pelosi national energy tax.” Supporters acknowledge that the bill — if passed by the Senate — would cost every family at least $175 a year but say that’s worth it to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and promote alternative energy sources.

The thousands of calls were paid for by the National Republican Congressional Committee and will be heard in Orange County. They start today and should continue for several days.
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