Steve Pearce to Seek 2nd District House Seat Again

July 6, 2009

Former Rep. Steve Pearce just announced he will challenge Rep. Harry Teague, D-N.M., in an attempt to reclaim the 2nd District Congressional seat for Republicans.

Pearce said in a news release that Teague “has embraced a reckless set of policies that directly jeopardize our economy and threatens future generations.”

 “He went to Washington and quickly voted for massive amounts of wasteful spending, loading up on pork barrel projects and radically increasing the size of government,” Pearce said in the release. “This district needs a Congressman who will fight for jobs for New Mexico families. Harry Teague won’t. I will.”

 Not surprisingly, one of those policies Pearce mentioned was a cap-and-trade energy bill Teague supported late last month.

In statement, Teague defended his record on energy and said he has supported clean renewable fuels and domestic production of more oil and gas. He also said voters in southern New Mexico are tired of “partisan politics.”

 “One thing is clear from my travels throughout the second congressional district – people are tired of partisan politics being more important than progress for southern New Mexico,” Teague said. “They want more common sense, independent thinking in Washington and they want someone who will stand up for them and their communities, and that is what I am focused on.”

 Pearce, a 61-year-old Republican, served three terms as southern New Mexico’s representative in the 2nd District. Pearce vacated that seat last year to run for the U.S. Senate. He defeated Rep. Heather Wilson in a hard-fought primary race but lost to former Rep. Tom Udall, a Democrat, in the general election.

 Pearce for months has suggested he would either run to win his old congressional seat back, or perhaps make a bid for governor. Teague is widely considered the most conservative member of New Mexico’s all-Democratic congressional delegation. He is the first Democrat to hold the 2nd District seat in 26 years.

 Brian Sanderoff, a longtime New Mexico political expert and the Journal’s pollster, said he was not surprised that Pearce decided to challenge Teague early.

“Democrats now control all of New Mexico’s congressional seats, and other folks were waiting for Steve Pearce to make his decision,” about whether to run for governor or the 2nd District, Sanderoff said.

 “He wants to start early, generate interest and raise money,” Sanderoff said. “It makes sense to me.”

 Sanderoff also said Pearce – a staunch conservative – would have faced an uphill battle in a statewide race for governor. But since he left his 2nd District seat instead of losing it in an election, he is well-positioned to try to reclaim it, the pollster said.

 “Steve Pearce, in my opinion, is the only Republican who can start out in a strong position against Harry Teague,” Sanderoff said.

 Here’s Pearce’s official announcement:

For the past half year, I have stood by and hoped for the best for our state and country. I had hoped Harry Teague would look out for the hard working people of New Mexico.

Sadly while I hoped for the best, Harry Teague embraced a reckless set of policies that directly jeopardize our economy and threatens future generations.

He went to Washington and quickly voted for massive amounts of wasteful spending, loading up on pork barrel projects and radically increasing the size of government.

Now Harry Teague chose to vote for the job-killing cap and trade bill. If this bill becomes law, it will devastate jobs in New Mexico and further cripple the American economy.

Harry Teague’s cap and trade bill will:

Hit families with as much as $1500 a year in higher energy costs.

Destroy jobs in New Mexico’s energy sector.

Will cost New Mexico over $200 million in higher electricity bills, but lower costs in California and New York.

Harry Teague put his allegiance to the liberal leadership of Nancy Pelosi ahead of the working families of New Mexico.

I can not let this happen to the people of New Mexico. So today, I am signing paperwork to run for the Second Congressional District. This district needs a Congressman who will fight for jobs for New Mexico families. Harry Teague won’t. I will.

Click here to read the full story.