Perriello Calls for Middle-Class Sacrifice

July 8, 2009

Perriello Calls for Middle-Class Sacrifice
Meanwhile, Perriello Campaign Coffers Continue to Profit off Vote for National Energy Tax

Washington- If Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.) was looking to convince struggling middle-class Virginians that his National Energy Tax would help them, he didn’t do himself any favors by appearing on MSNBC this morning:

SCARBOROUGH: “Will residents — will any residents in your district or across America have higher energy bills because of this cap and trade bill you supported?”

REP. PERRIELLO: “…some may have higher bills…”

SCARBOROUGH: “We need clarification because we didn’t get it from the White House. Who is going to be paying more?”

REP. PERRIELLO: “Well, it depends on your consumption patterns…we’ve asked everything of our military families and asked nothing of the rest of us.” (MSNBC‘s “Morning Joe,” 7/8/09)

Meanwhile, Perriello’s campaign coffers have filled up with over $2,500 directly off a vote that he admits will cause “higher bills” for families. Instead of donating that campaign cash to help those families avoid his National Energy Tax, Perriello continues to just let the money sit in his own account.

“Tom Perriello ought to do the right thing and help out middle-class Virginians with his ill-gotten campaign cash,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “If he’s so keen on forcing struggling families to sacrifice from his cushy congressional perch, surely Perriello himself would be willing to sacrifice a little campaign cash to help some folks out.”


  • Liberals across the country have donated $2,541.29 to Tom Perriello’s campaign as a direct result of his vote for the National Energy Tax:
  • “Perriello said a study by the Congressional Budget Office showed the bill would cost the average household in the 5th District $12 a month, primarily in electricity rates. ‘That cost would disappear if we turn our thermostats up 1 degree in the summer and down 1 degree in the winter,’ Perriello said.” (Ray Reed, “Perriello backs climate change bill, Goodlatte doesn’t,” Lynchburg News & Advance, 6/26/09)
  • Using his own figures, he could help at least 17 families in his district defray the cost of his National Energy Tax by using the money he raised off of his vote:

$12.00 X 12 months = $144.00 per family
$2,536.29 / $144.00 = 17 families Perriello could help