A Boccieri blunder?

July 20, 2009

Rep. John Boccieri (D-Ohio) is one of the latest Democrats to be feeling the heat back home after voting for cap-and-trade energy legislation.

Boccieri, who represents a Canton-area district whose economy is based on manufacturing, saw over 100 protesters complain about his vote at his district office last Friday:

Several protesters went to the building’s seventh floor to deliver their criticisms of what they perceived to be his positions and pink sheets titled “Termination of Representation” to Boccieri’s chief of staff, Anthony Trevena, who thanked them for their input.

“He’s not really representing me any more,” Charles Stockdale, 18, of Bethlehem Township, told Trevena.

“I don’t feel John Boccieri is listening to us,” said Jim Stanley, 62, of Jackson Township. “He’s listening to (U.S. House Speaker) Nancy Pelosi and the power brokers in Washington.”

Stanley referred to Boccieri’s June 26 vote for the climate and energy bill or cap-and-trade bill, which would set limits on plants on carbon dioxide emissions that are blamed for global warming.

“No regulation. No taxation,” yelled Stanley. “Check our energy bills. They’re going to go sky-high with crap and tax.”

The crowd, carrying signs and flags, broke into a chant of “Bye Bye Boccieri,” cheering when motorists on Tuscarawas honked.

Boccieri doesn’t yet have a Republican opponent, though the National Republican Congressional Committee has put him at the top of their target list, and recently spent money on robo-calls attacking him for his vote.

Former Canton mayor Janet Creighton and businessman Jim Renacci are two of the leading GOP challengers currently mulling over campaigns.  (Renacci’s biggest claim to fame?  He’s the owner of the Columbus Destroyers arena football franchise.)

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