How Long Until John Boccieri Caves?

July 23, 2009

How Long Until John Boccieri Caves?

President’s PR Campaign Storms Through to Convince Boccieri to Turn on Constituents


Washington- As support for their massive government healthcare takeover dwindles, Democrats are looking to John Boccieri to straighten up his act and get in line. Though Boccieri recently criticized the Democrats’ healthcare agenda, it’s no surprise that his party bosses think they can flip his vote. After all, Boccieri caved into the pressure and voted for Nancy Pelosi’s National Energy Tax despite voicing public criticism. Just recently, Boccieri announced his opposition to his party’s job-killing healthcare proposal:


“Still, that’s the kind of discussion that could raise concerns for centrist freshman Democrats like Rep. John Boccieri (D-Ohio), who says there’s ‘a little fear’ among his constituents of a government-run plan, and no appetite for a tax increase. ‘My feeling is there’s enough money in the system already,’ Boccieri said.” (Mike Soraghan, “Speaker Pelosi Makes Aggressive Push To Finish Healthcare Reform This Month,” The Hill, 7/8/09)


But his Washington leaders apparently smell blood in the water once again – and today, he’ll feel the pressure from the President himself:


“President Barack Obama is visiting the Cleveland Clinic today because he considers it a role model in making patient care a priority, he said during a news conference Wednesday night, but he does not expect the Clinic to endorse his proposal to expand health care.” (Mark Naymik and Sarah Jane Tribble, “President Barack Obama’s Cleveland Clinic Visit Highlights Role Model of Health Care,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, 7/23/09)


“Having already caved to his party bosses by supporting a job-killing National Energy Tax and unfettered government spending, Ohioans have good reason to question John Boccieri’s judgment,” said Communications Director Ken Spain. “Now that Boccieri has admitted his constituents are ‘fearful’ of a government takeover of healthcare, nothing should stop him from voting against such disastrous legislation.  As President Obama travels to Cleveland today for yet another PR campaign aimed at resuscitating his healthcare bill, will Boccieri stand up for his constituents or once again cave to party leaders?”

