Will Target Dems Once Again Cave to National Dems?

July 29, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following district: Rick Boucher (VA-09).

Will Tom Perriello Once Again Cave to National Dems?

President’s Damage Control Tour Storms Through Virginia in Attempt to Muster up Support for Government Healthcare


Washington- In a last-ditch effort to pass their massive government healthcare takeover, Democrats are looking to Tom Perriello (D-VA) for continued support of their unfettered spending spree. President Obama will attempt to sell his healthcare reform during his second town hall event for today at a grocery store in Bristol, Va. On the heels of Perriello’s outspoken support of Nancy Pelosi’s National Energy Tax, Democrats are once again attempting to make Perriello a loyal foot soldier for their job-killing healthcare proposal.


“The White House did not respond to questions about the event or the location. But political observers said there are several reasons the Obama administration selected Bristol, which straddles the Virginia/Tennessee line…. ‘This is a very subtle way of using the office as kind of an influence,’ [Virginia Tech professor Bob] Denton said. ‘[Obama]’s playing in their back yard, and every vote is going to be critical.’” (Sarah Bruyn Jones, “Obama in Bristol to push health care reform,” The Roanoke Times, 7/29/09)


And as support for the Democrats’ government healthcare takeover has dwindled, Perriello will feel immense pressure from the President himself today at his town hall event.

“But the president was far less popular in the mountain town of Bristol, [than Raleigh, NC, his first town hall stop.] He’s expected to face challenges in Appalachia pushing changes to health care.” (Adam Hochberg, “Can Obama Sell Health Care Changes To Appalachia?” NPR, 7/29/09)

“Tom Perriello has already proven that he is dangerously out of touch with his constituents with his vote for the job-killing National Energy Tax. It is no surprise that Perriello has not taken a stand for the hard-working, middle-class families of Virginia now that Democrats are attempting to push another disastrous piece of legislation in the form of government-run healthcare,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Virginians have good reason to question Perriello’s judgment for his continued support of the Democrats’ reckless spending in the midst of an ailing economy. As President Obama travels to Southwest Virginia today for yet another damage control tour aimed at resuscitating his healthcare bill, will Perriello stand up for his constituents or once again cave to party leaders?”

The Democrats’ failure to introduce healthcare reform that will keep costs down without increasing taxes has Virginians worried and Democrats in Washington scrambling. This leaves Perriello’s constituents asking themselves one thing: How long before Tom Perriello sells them out yet again and caves to Nancy Pelosi?
