It’s Official: Target Dems Cave

July 31, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Baron Hill (IN-09) and Zack Space (OH-18).

It’s Official: Space Caves

Space Gift Wraps Healthcare Takeover Deal for Pelosi and Party Bosses


Washington- After weeks of speculation about whether Nancy Pelosi and Democrat leadership would be able to force through their job-killing healthcare takeover, it looks like Zack Space just gave them an answer. Earlier this week, it was reported that Space was part of a group of so-called Blue Dog Democrats who reached an agreement with Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood). Today, Space seemed to confirm he was a linchpin to the deal:


“Liberals and a small core of conservative Democrats set aside long-standing ideological differences early Friday to cut a deal that should allow the House Energy and Commerce Committee to approve a sweeping health care bill, breaking a two-week deadlock that threatened President Barack Obama’s top domestic priority.”


“‘This is one step in a long and complex legislative process,’ said Ohio Rep. Zack Space, a Blue Dog who accepted the chairman’s deal.” (Patrick O’Connor, “Waxman Gets Deal on Health Bill,” Politico, 7/31/09)


“Zack Space just handed Ohio families higher costs, fewer jobs, and less access to medical care, and all he seemed to get in return was a pat on the back from Nancy Pelosi,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Space continues to carry water for his party’s anti-jobs agenda, but Ohio families are the ones who end up paying for it. As Democrats push forward with their healthcare plan, Space’s constituents now know who to thank for the latest of the Democrats’ budget-busting government takeovers.”


Now that Space has reportedly caved into his party leaders, it’s likely only a matter of time before he votes to pass the bill through committee and hand Pelosi and Waxman another victory in their quest for a government healthcare takeover. Unfortunately for Ohio families, when Pelosi and Waxman win, they always seem to lose.

