Recess Roastings: ‘Un-American’ Constituents Refuse to Take Murphy’s Spin

August 10, 2009

‘Un-American’ Constituents Refuse to Take Murphy’s Spin
Voters Continue to Speak Out Even As Democrats Wage War Against Them

Democrats Swing for the Fences in Their Latest Desperate Attempt to Deflect Criticism:

“These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American.” (Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, “‘Un-American Clips Can’t Derail Health Care Debate,” USA Today, 8/10/09)

“‘I’m trying to control the event,’ [Indiana Democrat Rep. Baron] Hill said, shortly before an informal discussion with a dozen business people at the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. ‘What I don’t want to do is create an opportunity for the people who are political terrorists to blow up the meeting and not try to answer thoughtful questions.’” (Peter Slevin, “Key Democrat Feels the Heat After Voting for House Plan,” Washington Post, 8/10/09)

“[House Appropriations Chairman David] Obey also blamed Republican-affiliated groups for the loud protests that have greeted lawmakers at health-care forums. Obey says the groups are deliberately trying to shut down dialogue and debate, and he called their actions ‘thuggery’ and ‘disgraceful.’” (Glen Moberg, “Obey fires back at Republicans over national issues,” Wisconsin Public Radio, 08/07/09)

Recess Roasting: Scott Murphy Booed by Concerned Constituents for Supporting Government Healthcare Takeover:

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REPORTER: Protestors gathered in Valatie today to speak out about a hot topic: Healthcare reform. Congressman Scott Murphy visited Golden Harvest Orchards where he got an earful from constituents from frustration over the economy taking a toll on treatment, to concerns over the private medical sector going out of business, to some saying they want the Obama plan – it was a big and boisterous crowd for the informal town hall style meeting.

SCOTT MURPHY: (amidst boos and cheering) This is what’s great about our community, is that we have different opinions.

REPORTER: Murphy says he thinks people should have the right to choose either to keep the health plan they have [or some] other alternative. (WTEN-Albany, 8/8/09)
