Thousands Turn Out For Town Hall Meeting

August 10, 2009

It was a packed house and really just a time for everyone, no matter what your party affiliation may be, to give the Congressman an earful about the proposed health care plan…and that is exactly what they did.

“I believe that there is a reason so many people are here tonight, to say no I don’t want this crammed down my throat.”

It’s the more than 1,200 page healthcare plan that everyone is talking about.

“I’m a father, Christian, veteran and I’m scared to death about health care coverage.”

Monday evening, thousands in Columbia County showed up for the town hall meeting led by Republican Congressman Paul Broun…who proposed his own bill.

Congressman Paul Broun, GA-10th District: “It will enable and empower the patient to be involved in those healthcare decisions. It will put the patient in control of those health care dollars instead of some insurance company bureaucrat.”

Many who question the bill are elderly…or in need of serious care, like Betty and her husband Luther Funderburg. They have no health insurance and Luther has had tremors 2 years.

Betty Funderburg, has no health care insurance:  “I just feel like they’re shoving the elderly back and the young forward. And I don’t believe in that, I believe we’re all equal and we should be treated equal, regardless of our age.”

Congressman Broun held 2, 1 hour sessions because so many wanted to voice their concerns.  Kyle Hunt waited an hour and a half.

Kyle Hunt, Against healthcare plan:  “This bill could potentially affect Americans drastically for the future of America. You know it takes patient choice away, it can tell doctors how to treat patients.”

Town Hall Attendee:  “America is mad as heck and we’re just not going to take it anymore.”

Unlike the town hall meetings we’ve been seeing in other places of the country, nothing got too out of hand.  However, the sheriff’s office had deputies on stand by just in case.
Click here to read the full story.