Leader Boehner: Americans aren't going to buy health care spin, Mr. President

August 13, 2009

Leader Boehner’s Op-Ed in USA Today: “Why is President Obama letting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congress run health care reform into the ground? Since President Obama took office, Republicans have stood ready to work with him to pass bipartisan health care reforms that reflect the priorities of struggling American families and small businesses. But instead of listening to the American people, the president has allowed Speaker Pelosi, the Democratic Congress and special-interest groups to write a bill that puts Washington in control of Americans’ health care — something most Americans staunchly oppose. And instead of using the power of the bully pulpit to rein in the speaker and her allies, the president has attempted to use it to spin the American people about the hopelessly flawed bill the speaker is seeking to pass in September.  …”
Read Leader Boehner’s Full Article Here.