NRCC Launches Healthcare Ad Against Steve Kagen

August 13, 2009

NRCC Launches Healthcare Ad Against Steve Kagen

Self-Proclaimed “Author” of Democrats’ Healthcare Takeover Now on the Receiving End of New TV Ad Blitz


Washington- The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) announced today the first installment of its August ad blitz with a television ad running against Wisconsin Democrat Steve Kagen. After claiming that he’s “writing” the Democrats’ government healthcare takeover – an unpopular bill that has sparked backlash against Democrats across the country – Kagen is deserving of an ad campaign that will run on cable and network television.


“As Democrats continue to run from their constituents, these ads will be a helpful reminder that there are serious political and policy consequences for supporting their party’s devastating healthcare agenda,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “Steve Kagen is more than welcome to take credit for writing Nancy Pelosi’s government-run proposal, but Wisconsin families probably aren’t too impressed that he is the brains behind a plan that will kill jobs, drive up costs, and force millions of Americans from their current coverage. That might be Kagen’s idea of leadership, but Wisconsin families would probably prefer a representative that will fight for them instead of doing Nancy Pelosi’s dirty work.”

Click to watch:


Ad script:


NARRATOR: Congressman Steve Kagen – He voted with Nancy Pelosi on the wasteful stimulus, on the budget, and on the National Energy Tax.


And now, what does Kagen say about the Pelosi healthcare plan?


KAGEN: I am writing the healthcare bill. What would you like in it?


NARRATOR: Since you asked, how about no government-run plan? No tax increases on small businesses? No cuts to Medicare?


Call Steve Kagen. Tell him to write a healthcare plan for us, not Nancy Pelosi


DISCLAIMER: The National Republican Congressional Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.

