Recess Roastings: Martin Heinrich Roasted at His Only Town Hall

August 25, 2009

Martin Heinrich Roasted at His Only Town Hall

Given Their First and Only Opportunity to Speak Out, New Mexico Voters Decry Government-Run Healthcare and Higher Taxes

Dems Promised To Be There For Constituents:

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer: “‘We’re going to be on the air, we’re going to be in neighborhoods,’ he said. ‘We’re going to have a lot of help.’” (Steven T. Dennis, “Hoyer Says Democrats Going on Offense Over August,” Roll Call, 07/30/09)


Recess Roasting: Hundreds Turned Away From Henirich’s Only Public Town Hall As Constituents Rail Against Government Healthcare Takeover


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“New Mexico congressman Martin Heinrich took on healthcare reform Saturday. Things got heated as hundreds of people who showed up to voice their opinions were turned away.


Hundreds of people were turned away after the auditorium and an overflow room quickly filled up. ‘I do apologize. We have reached capacity of 1,000 people,’ an organizer told the waiting crowd. Many who had been waiting were upset.


Some of the things specifically addressed during the town hall included changes in medicare and medicaid, along with a public insurance option. ‘I would like to bring attention to the question you sidestepped. You will be raising my taxes,’ one participant said. The comment turned into a heated debate, with emotions running high. ‘We sent you to Washington to take care of business, not socialize the medical system,’ someone said.


Rep. Heinrich said he is not planning another town hall meeting on healthcare reform. But if you have questions or concerns you can email him.” (“Health Care Town Hall Meeting Gets Heated,” WKOAT TV, August 24, 2009)



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