Bill Foster: Back in Illinois, But Still Not Talking To Constituents

August 26, 2009

Bill Foster: Back in Illinois, But Still Not Talking To Constituents

Illinois Rep. To Attend High-Dollar Fundraiser, Has Yet to Host Town Hall on Healthcare


Washington– It must be tiresome having Bill Foster as your congressman, always wondering where he is and if he hears and cares about your concerns. And if this summer is any indication of Illinoisans’ growing contempt then Bill Foster is in for a bumpy ride. It seems that Foster has grown too big for his britches, avoiding work at all costs and choosing fundraisers and jet setting trips over his constituents needs. Today, rather than meeting with his constituents he will be lining his campaign coffers at a luncheon fundraiser while Illinois families are left with unanswered questions:


“Please Join Hosts…For a luncheon honoring


Congressman Bill Foster (IL-14)…


Wednesday, August 26th, 2009

12:30pm – 1:30pm.


Suggested Contribution Levels:

Host $2500 PAC, $1000 Personal

Friend $1000 PAC, $500 Personal.( Luncheon Honoring Bill Foster, Aug. 26, 2009)


“Bill Foster has shown an utter lack of respect for Illinoisans by sending his cronies to do his job and avoiding the healthcare debate at all costs,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “With just two short weeks until decisions must be made on the Democrats’ massive takeover of healthcare, will Foster ever stop and listen to his constituents concerns or will he continue to duck and dodge their questions?  Foster may think that collecting campaign cash at high-dollar fundraisers is a good use of time during his short stay in Illinois this August, but the middle-class families he represents are still waiting to hear what he will do to stop his party’s massive government takeover of healthcare.”


At a recent healthcare event, Illinois families were forced to listen to Foster’s squeamish staff attempt to answer questions regarding his whereabouts, holding signs asking “where’s bill”?:





To view the video, click here:,Geneva-Foster-health-care-meeting_au081409.article

Foster’s constituents aren’t the only ones noticing his absence from the healthcare debate as a recent Associated Press article states:


“Rep. Bill Foster, D-Batavia, has not held a town hall meeting on health-care reform. He has held one-on-one public meetings, though, which he calls Congress on Your Corner, during which constituents get three to four minutes each to talk with the congressman.


Dan McDonald, the deputy communication director for Foster, said that the congressman will send out an e-mail survey on health care in August and is planning a telephone town hall later in the month, the details of which have not been finalized. He said Foster did not have any traditional town halls planned so far, though.” (“Legislators avoid town meetings,” The Associated Press, 8/13/2009)


And while his constituents may be losing sleep over their congressman’s whereabouts and wondering where he stands on healthcare, they can rest assured knowing that Foster is most likely at a fancy fundraiser or jet-setting to some exotic locale – avoiding them at all costs.
