McMahon Refuses to Return Campaign Donations from Rangel

September 4, 2009

Despite calls from Republicans, Rep. Michael McMahon (D-Staten Island/Brooklyn) is not planning to return $15,000 in campaign contributions from embattled Rep. Charles Rangel (D-Manhattan), who is facing a widening ethics investigation.

“These contributions were received from Congressman Rangel who, as the dean of the New York delegation, raised funds and contributed to the campaigns of many Congressional candidates,” said McMahon communications director Lauren Amendolara.

She said that $14,000 of the amount was contributed to McMahon’s 2008 campaign.

“These funds are entirely unrelated to any investigation of Congressman Rangel,” Ms. Amendolara said.

Read more:

(“Rep. McMahon Says He Won’t Return Money from Embattled Congressman,” Staten Island Advance, 9/04/09)