Dems Still Silent After President's Healthcare Address

September 10, 2009

FYI, a version of the release below went out to the following districts: Ami Bera (CA-03); Paula Brooks (OH-12); John Callahan (PA-15); Gary Davis (CA-03); Bill Owens (NY-23); Steve Pougnet (CA-45); and Bill Slaton (CA-03).


Callahan Still Silent After President’s Healthcare Address

The Clock Ticks as Voters Demand Answers


Washington- John Callahan has remained silent for yet another consecutive day as his party scrambles to force their reckless government healthcare takeover through Congress and onto American families. Now, after the President’s address to a joint session of Congress outlining the latest iteration of his failing healthcare agenda, Callahan’s refusal to take a stance on the country’s most pressing issue is more obvious than ever.


The considerable attention paid to the President’s speech only further raises the question: Why can’t John Callahan give an answer on healthcare?


“As someone who brags about his experience as a healthcare professional, John Callahan seems like exactly the kind of guy who should have an opinion about a government takeover of the nation’s healthcare system,” said NRCC Communications Director Ken Spain. “John Callahan was handed the opportunity by the President himself to finally tell eastern Pennsylvania voters where he stands on the hottest topic in Washington and across the country, but he still refuses to come clean. While Callahan has remained tight-lipped, support for the Democrats’ healthcare agenda has plummeted. His silence on the topic can only lead concerned voters to wonder: What exactly is John Callahan hiding?”


In the midst of America’s hottest political and policy debate, President Obama once again detailed his plans for a faulty healthcare proposal, handing Callahan a prime opportunity to speak out. Eastern Pennsylvania families are looking for an independent leader to send to Washington, but John Callahan’s refusal to join the discussion only proves that he’s not up to the challenge.

