Rangel Supported Amid Numerous Democrat Ethics Scandals

October 8, 2009

Every criminal operation has its code of silence. The Mafia enforces omerta. Bad cops erect their blue wall of silence. And Democrats running Congress have their “motion to refer.”

That was the slimy tool Speaker Nancy Pelosi wielded on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday to cover up for her tax-dodging top committee chairman, Charlie Rangel.

In a convoluted parliamentary charade, Democrats voted in nearly lockstep to thwart a resolution to remove Rangel from the powerful chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee, where he sits as the nation’s top tax-writer — at least until his numerous ethical and legal woes have been resolved.

Read more: (Charles Hurt, “It’s Looking Impossible to Clean this House,” New York Post, 10/08/09)