Ex-Air Force Official Gets Six Months in Earmark Case

October 13, 2009

Two men were sentenced to federal prison Tuesday for their roles in skimming money from a Defense Department project that received an $8.2 million earmark from Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.).

A federal judge in Florida issued a six-month sentence to former Air Force official Mark O’Hair and an 18-month sentence to defense contractor Richard Schaller for steering contracts to a company that they owned together. Schaller was also found guilty of obstruction of justice for destroying corporate records.

According to the indictment, issued under seal in August 2008 and unsealed in February, at the same time that O’Hair managed military contracts, he was also a business partner with Schaller and a third person, Theodore Sumrall. O’Hair allegedly directed contracts to the two men, and the trio split the proceeds of those contracts. Sumrall pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation.

Read more: (Paul Singer, “Ex-Air Force Official Gets Six Months in Case Involving Murtha Earmark,” Roll Call, 10/13/09)