Pelosi Eyeing New Angle to Toss Rangel

October 13, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi again covered for Charlie Rangel last week, but new developments suggest her patience is running out — and with it, perhaps, Rangel’s luck.

Democrats’ resolve to keep Rangel in charge of writing all tax laws, even though he confesses he has failed to pay his own taxes and neglected for years to report millions of dollars in assets, income and business dealings, showed the first signs of cracking when two conservative Democrats bolted the party line and voted against Rangel.

Another indication that things were starting to go badly for Rangel came the morning after that vote when the Congressional Black Caucus wrote Pelosi blatantly threatening that one of her most obedient voting blocs would abandon her if she abandons their beloved Rangel.

Read more: (Charles Hurt, “Pelosi Eyeing New Angle to Toss Rangel,” New York Post, 10/13/09)