Cornilles off to fast fundraising start in Oregon's 1st

October 14, 2009

Republican Rob Cornilles, who is running for the seat held by Oregon Democratic Rep. David Wu,  announced Wednesday that he’s raised $125,000 over the last three months.

That’s a pretty good fundraising start, especially considering that it is more than either of Wu’s Republican challengers raised in 2006 or 2008.  It’s another sign that Wu could face a tough re-election race in 2010, particularly if the overall political climate favors Republicans.

Cornilles, a sports marketing consultant, appears to be the best-funded of the four Republican candidates who say they intend to challenge Wu. (Last month, I wrote about the appearance all of them made at a Tea Party rally in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square).

Almost all of his contributions are coming from within Oregon, including some from such well-known GOP donors as Joan Austin, a co-founder of A-DEC, the dental manufacturing company.

Some of the donors seemed over-enthusiastic. Several gave $4,800 – the limit is $2,400 per election – and were asked to redesignate half of their contribution as going to the general.  Austin gave $5,000 and the report said a refund would be issued.

Still, it’s important to keep the first quarter in perspective.  Raising $125,000 is just an opening bet.  Wu raised $2.4 million in 2004, the last time he had a difficult race (which he won handily), and he can certainly do at least that well in 2010.
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